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覺得聽見驚濤拍岸 如果你像我 夢境曾被異兆的雲打斷
「甲午年啊」 大洋深處的斷層也呢喃 喚醒海流與烏魚 寒冬即將南下
沙灘上有人逆風 憑弔干支循環的殘址 撥開乾癟的玫瑰花瓣 辨識燒焦的臉孔
一個火苗立在街頭 聚攏溼冷的樹葉取暖 人們屏住呼吸
吹迷眼的風仍舊吹著 仍舊召喚冢中枯骨 高傲的鬼眼磷磷瞪視 一個火苗頑強的搖曳
去了濕氣的樹葉遂都燃起 發出嗶嗶剝剝的干戈之聲
二、The Day before Tomorrow 明天之前
(作者註:這首寫於 11/29 日前夕,靈感出於兩部電影,The Day after Tomorrow, Enemy at the Gates, 因此先寫了英文,才翻成中文。保留英文部分,非敢於獻曝,乃欲保存當時心中的忐忑節奏)。
How I wish I were where your breaths are held back by suspense. This city, emerging from the muddy summer of a basin, marches toward a cool history in the late-coming autumn breeze. I imagine.
但願此時也在那裡 當懸疑暫時止住你的呼吸 這座城市,走出盆地的泥濘夏季 邁向清爽的歷史 在秋天遲來的微風中 我想像
How I wish I were where menacing shadows are about to be retired by the brave. This City, burdened with unrealized romance, is once again eager to be embraced at a junction where green light is steadily lit. I imagine.
但願此時也在那裡 勇者興起,駭人的黑影即將退位 這座城市,背負未完成的浪漫 再度渴望被擁抱 路口的綠燈已堅定燃亮 我想像
How I wish I were where a dream is beckoning through streams of murmurs. This City, muffled by broken promises, utters a renewed vow on a less decorated stand. I imagine.
但願此時也在那裡 呢呢喃喃的夢想正招手 這座城市,曾因破碎的承諾而噤聲 今日重立誓言 從樸素的講台上 我想像
How I wish I were where hope will be counted by eyes. This City, confused by ambiguous legacies, shall sing her song without hesitation in a hall where clarity and honor shall reign. I imagine.
但願此時也在那裡 當眼睛們數算一張張希望 這座城市,曾經惑於曖昧的傳統 從此唱自己的歌,不再羞赧 殿堂中明白人當家 榮譽感掌權 我想像 |