

— 在黎錦揚先生追思會上的講話


(編者按:  2018年 12月 29日 黎錦揚先生追思會上,北美洛杉磯華文作家協會彭會長代表文友發表中英文悼念辭)
In Memory of C.Y.Lee.
By Arthur Peng

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good afternoon,
We are gathered here to say farewell to our dear friend, and great writer C.Y. Lee, C.Y is a senior advisor of North America Chinese Writers’ Association, Los Angeles. I knew him seven years ago by taking him home after our Association’s event, since then we became very good friends and visited him from time to time. When he knew I am from Yunnan, China, He told me his story, and said that the year he stayed in Yunnan was “the best time of his life”. He studied in Kunming and found a job in a local Chieftain’s house, working as an interpreter and secretary. Then, he left Yunnan, went to Chongqin and came to the US. Although he is well- known by his writing, the Flower Drum Song, he still kept writing everyday till his last breathe. We as overseas Chinese Writers are very proud of him. He was such a fine and brilliant man, and he will not be forgotten by us and many people who admired and respected him.
Dear C.Y, rest In Peace.
And for C.Y’s family, please accept our sincere condolences.
I am Arthur Peng.
President of North America Chinese Writers’ Association Los Angeles.
Thank you all very much indeed.




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