評論報導 |
(一)《色彩之上》,非馬畫,笑虹詩,梅丹里英譯,易文出版社,2021 Beyond All Colors, poems by Xiaohong, paintings by William Marr, translations by Denis Mair, I WING PRESS, 2021 https://zine.la/article/87b5c19a87d0443daa2a3fd372c62138/ (二)《非馬漢英雙語詩選》國際詩歌翻譯研究中心, 2021.8 Selected Chinese/English Poems of William Marr,The Earth Culture Press, China, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/LUtM20qQMYqHRU_fC6PvaA (三)《無夢之夜》非馬中英詩選粹, 華詩會詩叢,2021.11 A Dreamless Night, the Selected Chinese/English Poems of William Marr, Chicago Academic Press, 2021.11 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/EiokxgmzB_s5aCJCL9XIIQ (四)《天天天藍》非馬幽默諷刺詩選 ,華盛頓作家出版社,2021.11 EVERY DAY A BLUE SKY, the Humorous and Satirical Poetry of William Marr, Washington Writers Press, 2021.11 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/APVC6Lrnub3VrAlkIrkQcQ (五)《非馬藝術世界》(繁體版),唐玲玲/周偉民編著,李詩信責任編輯,華盛頓作家出版社,2021.12 The Art World of William Marr, Compiled by Tang Lingling/Zhou Weimin, Edited by Li Shixin, Washington Writers Press, 2021.12 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SV7GN2P?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860 (六)《醉漢》,洪君植/姜梅花韓譯,新世紀出版社,2021 THE HOMELESS DRUNK, Korean translation by Hong Jun-Zhi & Jiang Mei- Hua, New Century Press, 2021 (七)《穿越時空——非馬師徒12詩家》(繁體版)冰花/笑虹主編,華盛頓作家出版社,2022.1 PENETRATING TIME AND SPACE – A Poetry Group of William Marr, Washington Writers Press, 2022.1 https://m.booea.com/news/s_2427922.html https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09R3D8HJX (八) 時空之外:非馬新詩自選集 第五卷(2013-2021), 釀出版(秀威資訊), 2022-03 |